A new year friendly reminder. Review your year and share it with those who matter..

“Writing brings clarity. It helps you make better decisions. And sharing what you write connects you with others."

A new year friendly reminder. Review your year and share it with those who matter..

Ever since I discovered the power of daily writing, I have adopted the habit to take a moment at the end of each year, during christmas or new year day, to write a review for my year. That’s right. Just like we review the goods we buy from Amazon. Or the apartments we rent from Airbnb.

I usually go to a Cafe, where no one can find me, ask for a glass of wine, open my evernote and let it flow. I make lists of “people”, “moments”, “trips”, “clients”, “work accomplishments”. But that’s me. It’s interesting to observe how each person creates totally different list titles. Some people would list the things and assets they bought, because that’s what makes them feel accomplished. Others prefer to list the experiences and friendships they collected or the people who made them feel special.

I try to contact the people who mattered the most during that previous year and share with them, how much they contributed to my year. If they popped up in my head during my review, it’s because I learned something with them. I use my dropbox to help me remember all the moments I had. That’s where I keep all my pictures.

And the next morning, if I’m lucky and my son allows me to do a 20 minute morning meditation, I make sure that when I exhale, I send each of those people all the goodies I’m “inhaling” for myself. Sharing what I want for myself with the rest of the world.

So if you’re reading this and you made it up to here, please feel the “breath” of goodies that I’m sending to you right now. Love, Courage, Friends, Family, Meditation, Writing, Workout, Focus, Clarity, Discipline, Health, Consistency, Travels and more Love, to open and close this circle with what really matters.

Happy New Year!

  • Lucia Augusta Mota
    Posted at 08:51h, 06 January Reply

    You are and will always be a source of inspiration for me. One who marches ahead, no matter what is to come. Because the positive attitude is there. Yes we can! And it should be done with faith, commitment, hope and good will. I guess this is love! Get all my exhales of love back to yourself and to your mission towards others!

  • Michele Silveira
    Posted at 13:41h, 06 January Reply

    It is the second year that I did the list and I righly recomend! It is amazing to see your own growts and learnings and recognize the people who are import for you. Thank you Mari, because you made my 2019 even more special 🙂

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