Performance Enhancement & building a “remote” team

Performance Enhancement & building a “remote” team

Around 4 months ago I realized I needed help. My business was growing and if I insisted on doing everything myself I would “miss the train”. I used to count on Linkedin to hire my team in the past but since they’re charging around USD 150,00 for each job post nowadays, I decided to give a try since it was built by Peter Levels, this guy who makes awesome free services for online entrepreneurs, like me. No wonder I decided to pay usd 30,00 to pre-order a book he hasn’t even finished, yet. I later hired other smaller services from upwork and Fiverr, also great remote recruitment resources.


I created a job post for the help I needed and went to sleep. The next morning, 10 amazing emails were already in my mail box 🙂 I probably received around 40 emails from very interesting remote people from all around the world interested in the work, which even gave me a mailing list of prospect people to work with, one way or another. Not bad.


After a few interviews I found the person I was looking for. Trained her and then shared one client at a time, baby steps. They all loved her.  And she kept surprising us with only amazing feedback.


And since we happened to be both living in Asia now, I decided to bring her to work with me in Thailand for a month. She arrived a few days ago and yesterday we worked face-to-face, in my apt the whole first day of the year.


The more I get to know her, the more I am certain I made the right choice. How much more productive can one be working side by side with a like minded digital partner?


If you haven’t gifted yourself with a remote partner yet, don’t miss that experience in 2016 because you deserve some performance enhancement in your career, too. Trust me.

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