3 years flying

3 years flying

Can’t believe it’s been 3 years already!!

It was the first time I allowed myself to let go… and take a 3 month trip in my life, my first trip solo, the first time I stayed in a hostel, at age 37, yes, it’s true. The first time for so many things. If you’ve never allowed yourself to travel that long, by yourself, to a country you’ve never been before, stayed in a hostel, please do yourself a favor! Trust me!

You can get another “job” when you come back, if you still want one…

I went to Montreal for a month, then to Vancouver for my coaching specialization for another month and then traveled around the US visiting friends and family, and when I got back to Brazil, I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life and say “NO” to an amazing job opportunity to take the risk of starting my first Digital Business and leave my country, my friends, my family, sublet my apartment in Sao Paulo and take off with my first few clients online “in my suitcase” . Just enough to pay for my minimalist living.

Since then I’ve been flying around the world, working from different places, meeting amazing people, cultures, sharing what I know, learning so much about myself and what I “really” need to feel happy and free.

And now, I finally found the two countries where I belong, where I feel at home: Spain and Thailand ?

So in case you’re feeling what I was feeling then, imprisioned in a system that I did not believe in or like, I invite you to ask yourself two questions to start off.

What is it that I really “need” to feel complete and light?

Is it a job, a salary, an apartment, a car, a family, childhood friends, dogs and cats, public recognition, a comfort zone?

What is it, that small decision you can make today, towards letting go…

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