ECP 009 – Marti Rubio – Spanish, writer, got career inspiration by helping Syrian refugees in Greece

ECP 009 – Marti Rubio – Spanish, writer, got career inspiration by helping Syrian refugees in Greece

Marti Rubio – Spanish, writer, got career inspiration by helping Syrian refugees in Greece

“I was thinking about what i wanted to do, what I love, in what I want to spend my life and now I don’t know if I’m in the correct place but now I’m actually happy.” Marti Rubio

What do most people do when they are not happy about their career? Look for another job, right?

Well, some people, like Marti, like being different. And think “how can I help other people and get the inspiration that I need for my career transition?”.

When I asked him to send me a summary of his professional moment, he sent me this message below. It’s a good start for you to understand why I had to interview him on the “exciting careers” podcast ? Hope it inspires you, too. Mari

“I’m journalist and I’m 26 years old.After a bad work-experience, I decided to change my life. I took some time to think about me and about what I wanted to do. HOW???

I always loved to write, that’s one of the reasons because I studied Journalism. But journalism, the newspaper journalism, it’s not the kind of writing I loved. After a few months, I decided to apply for a Master of Literary Journalism (in the sixties, it was called New Journalism, so now its like a new old new journalism). This journalism explains stories, I mean, it’s reality, research, and all the stuff that a Journalist needs to do, but also explained as a novel or as a story. The final project of this master is to write a long reportage, called sometimes “non fiction novel”.

To do it, I decided to go to the refugees camps, in the North of Greece. I was there with a NGOs of firefighters(…) Thanks to these two NGO’s I could meet a lot of people, most of them, refugees. And I could talk a lot with them, until I can say that they are friends of mine now. This situation was perfect for me, becuse I could help the people, as I wanted, but also knowing them and their situation, as I wanted for my reportage (…).

Now I’m doing this reportage and I am so happy to do it. First, because I love writting Second, because it was one of the most shocking experiences in my life. Third, because I think that this reportage is like a tribute for the refugees and for the people of the different NGOs. Also, for me, it’s a big objective!

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