If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Your only limitation would be good internet. Because you would need internet to work. After you get there, how long would you stay? ...


I was talking to a client of mine this week and she was telling me about her depression medication and how much she has invested in these treatments and how bad she felt.  It was the exact same day I had bought a ticket to...


Feb 3, 2017, Valencia Facebook reminded me that it has been two years already since I did my first 10 day silence retreat at SuanMokkh in Thailand! Man, time flies. To celebrate, I've listed some free tools that help me so you can give it a...


I saw this video today, part of a documentary series, well done by One Way Ticket and decided to use it in my “Free English Class Valencia” , to answer one of the questions that I hear the most nowadays. "What is a digital nomad?". I...


I want to congratulate Lucia, my client, a renowned therapist, who is back in Brazil after 2 months in Thailand. She was the first client crazy enough to try my “live intensive coaching” program. First she traveled the world “in my lap top” with me...


Don’t like your job? Want to make a career transition? Or just want to make more money and diversify your income? Have you ever thought of learning how to program computers? You might want to watch this video "Is Computer Programming Hard to Learn?" that...